很久沒時間寫網誌了 差不多快一個月了吧我猜




發現一封很勵志的信 很適合現在的我

誰寄的 不重要

重要的是雖然是英文的 但是我有被激勵到的感覺

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

It's not important to be "number 1" or "the best" for others

but it is very important to be the best for yourself. I know

I did the best for myself.
You should all remember that when I

first came to Hong Kong, I did not know how to speak Cantonese,

I did not know how to act, I did not know anybody in the movie

business, I was alone here. It has been a long and difficult

struggle but I have enjoyed every minute of it! I have learned the

language, I have made many good friends, I have learned to act

and don't forget?I won the Golden Horse!

Yes, maybe I will have a chance to win next time. I still have

many years of opportunities ahead of me so I am not worried

because I know in my heart to keep on fighting.

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